809Pro Tws In-Ear Earbuds Type-C Fast Charging With 20 Hours Playtime Bluetooth V5.3 Water Resistant Single Touch Voice Assistant Earbuds – volkero.shop

809Pro Tws In-Ear Earbuds Type-C Fast Charging With 20 Hours Playtime Bluetooth V5.3 Water Resistant Single Touch Voice Assistant Earbuds

Original price was: ₹799.Current price is: ₹29.

Availability: 1105 in stock

SKU: VOLKEAG01334 Category: Tag:

Plytime: – The erbuds provide up to 20 hours of plytime when used with the chrging cse. This mens you cn listen to music or udio for n extended period before needing to rechrge.
Chrging Cse: – The erbuds come with chrging cse tht llows you to rechrge them on the go. The cse provides dditionl bttery life nd keeps the erbuds protected when not in use.
CC Codec: – The CC (dvnced udio Coding) codec is compression lgorithm used for udio trnsssion. It provides high-qulity sound nd efficient dt compression, resulting in better udio performnce.
BT 5.3: – The erbuds utilize Bluetooth 5.3 technology, which offers improved connectivity, fster dt trnsfer speeds, nd better overll performnce compred to older Bluetooth versions. It ensures stble connection between the erbuds nd the connected device.
Instnt Piring: – The erbuds support instnt piring, which mens they cn quickly connect to comptible device without the need for complex setup procedures. This feture mkes it convenient to use the erbuds with different devices.
13mm High FID Composite Drivers: – The erbuds feture 13mm high fidelity (FID) composite drivers. These drivers re responsible for producing the sound nd cn provide more detiled nd ccurte udio reproduction.
Single Touch Voice ssistnt: – The erbuds hve touch-sensitive surfce tht llows you to interct with your device’s voice ssistnt (such s Siri or Google ssistnt) with single touch. This feture enbles hnds-free control of your device.


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