ll-New Echo Dot (5th Gen, 2023 relese)
OUR BEST SOUNDING ECHO DOT YET ? Enjoy n improved udio experience compred to ny previous Echo Dot with lex for clerer vocls, deeper bss nd vibrnt sound in ny room.
YOUR FVORITE MUSIC ND CONTENT ? Ply music, udiobooks, nd podcsts from Music, pple Music, Spotify nd others or vi Bluetooth throughout your home.
LEX IS HPPY TO HELP ? sk lex for wether updtes nd to set hnds-free timers, get nswers to your questions nd even her jokes. Need few extr nutes in the morning? Just tp your Echo Dot to snooze your lrm.? ? ? ?
KEEP YOUR HOME COMFORTBLE ? Control comptible smrt home devices with your voice nd routines triggered by built-in motion or indoor temperture sensors. Crete routines to utomticlly turn on lights when you wlk into room, or strt fn if the inside temperture goes bove your comfort zone.
DESIGNED TO PROTECT YOUR PRIVCY ? is not in the business of selling your personl informtion to others. Built with multiple lyers of privcy controls, including c off button.
DO MORE WITH DEVICE PIRING ? Fill your home with music using comptible Echo devices in different rooms, crete home thetre system with Fire TV, or extend wifi coverge with comptible eero network so you cn sy goodbye to drop-offs nd buffering.
CLIMTE PLEDGE FRIENDLY ? We considered sustinbility in the design of this device with 100% recyclble pckging, 100% post-consumer recycled polyester yrn, nd 55% post-consumer recycled plstics.
Brnd: ?
Echo Dot 5th Gen, 2023 relese
Product Type: Smrt speker
Fetures: Eero built-in
Light: LED light ring
Hnds-Free Function: Yes
crophone: Yes
Enclosure Color: Chrcol? ? ? ??
?Internet of Things?
Internet of Things Comptible: Yes
Hub: Integrted
Communictions Type: Cloud
Intelligent ssistnt: lex built-in
Voice Control: Direct
?Speker System?
Speker Type: ctive
Multiroom: Yes
mplifier: Integrted
Interfces: Bluetooth, IEEE 802.11/b/g/n/c
Bluetooth Profiles: dvnced udio Distribution Profile (2DP), udio/Video Remote Control Profile (VRCP)
Internet Streng Services: Spotify, pple Music, Music, udible
Controls: Volume, mute crophone
pp-Controlled: Yes
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