Tat1235 Noise Isolation Truly Wireless Earbuds With C – volkero.shop

Tat1235 Noise Isolation Truly Wireless Earbuds With C

Original price was: ₹2919.Current price is: ₹49.

Availability: 1111 in stock

SKU: VOLKEAG01048 Category:

TUH201 Wired On Er Hedphones with c


Mnufcturer: TPV Technology, 18004256396
Model Nme: TT1235BK
Model Yer: 2020
Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 4 x 6 cm; 20 Grms
Btteries: 1 Lithium ion btteries required.
Item model number: TT1235BK/97
Comptible Devices: Cellphones, Tblets, ndroid/iOS, Lptops
Specil Fetures: 6+12 hours ply time, Isoltion, crophone Feture, Wter Resistnt
Mounting Hrdwre: User Mnul, USB Type-C Chrging Cble, 2x dditionl er tips, Quick Strt Guide,

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