Higher Power Car Charger With 3In1 Charging Cable Um1109 – volkero.shop

Higher Power Car Charger With 3In1 Charging Cable Um1109

Original price was: ₹775.Current price is: ₹29.

Availability: 1110 in stock

SKU: VOLKEAG01269 Category: Tag:

UM1109 is compct & sturdy dul USB cr chrger. It hs two USB ports, with which you cn chrge two devices simultneously.? So you cn chrge your smrtphone & tblet or 2 smrtphones t the sme time. The included cble is 3 in 1 Fst Chrging Cble. Fst-trck the speed of chrging with 18W fst chrging. Enjoy the freedom of crrying just one cble which cn connect with cro USB, type-C & iPhone connectors ? chrge 3 Devices t one Time. The cble is durble nd nylon brided. Preum nd lightweight constructions to ensure pin free nd comfortble usge for power users. The Cr chrger offers Protection from Over-Het / Overchrging thereby protecting your cr electronics. This device is universlly comptible & is fully efficient to be interoperble with lrge number of devices comptible with ll smrtphones – ndroid nd iphone, portble chrgers & tblets. 6 month

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